Don’t you wish you could wave a magic wand and all those messes, all the dust bunnies, all the dirty laundry would just disappear? Wouldn’t is be great if you had the power to make it cleaner? Well, that may be a […]

With the weather as beautiful as it is and the warmth sticking around, it’s a perfect time for a project. Touch up that paint job on your house. Or maybe you own a business and your location and vehicles need brightening up.Pressure […]

One of our priorities is keeping our homes healthy, secure and beautiful. But, life gets busy. Well, there are times that a tiny bit of neglect can turn into a HUGE problem. A slow leaking pipe in the bathroom, or a busted […]

Spring brings on the wind that brings on summer, but the wind brings on the dust too. Dust can get everywhere and can cause allergies and just pure frustration. You dust all your wood furniture and spray all your air fresheners to […]

Fire is a powerful element in our world. From the sun all the way to a tiny birthday candle, fire can be beautiful. But, when we forget to respect the useful and powerful qualities of fire, we are shown its destructive nature. […]

Water. We need it. We drink it. We wash in it and with it. We play in it. We use water every day for countless reasons and we use a lot of it. It is important that we save this precious resource. […]
Walking on fresh, plush, clean carpet is a nostalgic feeling. It’s the reason we spend time and money on the floors in our home. It’s the #1 filter in your house; capturing pollen, fungi, bacteria, chemicals, and smoke residue. It insulates during […]

Have you noticed a musty, stagnant smell coming from certain areas in your house? It may be Junior’s socks or Sally’s missing hamster, or it could be mold.  Pro Steamer has seen it all and they are ready for your call the second […]

A water disaster or emergency can occur in your home at any time. As a homeowner, you want to be sure that you have an action plan to address any emergencies that may arise. Water damage can come from leaking pipes, faulty […]