With all of these DIY influencers on social media telling you how easy and affordable cleaning your furniture is, we encourage you not to. One of the reasons professional carpet and upholstery cleaning is so effective is because we know what issues […]

There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, between 50-70 million Americans suffering from sleep disorders aren’t able to achieve that. The average person should be getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night to function properly. If they don’t, […]

Did you know that your couch can have more bacteria than your toilet? While it may not look like it, your couch is swimming with bacteria. It makes sense, considering it’s where you sit, eat, drink, and recuperate from illness. The bacteria […]

The holiday season is upon us, and for most families across the country, that can only mean one thing – holiday cleaning! Whether you are inviting family to come to visit, or you’re playing the holidays safe and staying home with immediate […]

With the holidays just around the corner, there has never been a better time to have your upholstery cleaned by professionals. For nearly three decades, the specially trained technicians at Pro Steamer have served our Roswell friends and neighbors with top-quality professional cleaning […]

Schedules, meetings, email, phone calls, customers, employees; these are all part of the everyday fiasco of a business. Then, making sure customers are completely satisfied with what you’re offering on top of that. The momentum and importance of all the tasks takes […]

Furniture can make a room come together. The right couch can match perfect with a recliner that makes the drapes “pop†and it comes to make the room look cozy and homey. It’s important to take good care of these special items […]