Carpets are a good floor choice to make any room feel comfy and cozy. However, their fibers can cause hidden problems. The long fibers of your carpet can harbor a host of dirt, dust, and other allergens. Your home may not be as healthy and clean as you think. Vacuuming and spot cleaning alone are not enough to truly clean your carpets. They’re often dirtier than you think. However, even if your carpets show signs of additional dirtiness, a Roswell carpet cleaner can help them get healthy again. Dirt and Grease The fibers in your carpets are designed to be strong and resilient. However, this design also makes them an excellent trap for dirt and grease. If you’ve ever spilled food or drink on your carpet, you likely only cleaned a percentage of it up. The same goes for walking across a carpet with dirty shoes or feet. The dirt and grease that lands on your carpet can easily become embedded in the fibers, especially if you step on the site of the spill. Because dirt and grease are so heavy, they don’t come out easily. Even if you can’t see them on the surface of your carpets, they are there, lurking beneath. Dust and Allergens Like dirt, dust and other airborne allergens can settle into your carpets. However, unlike dirt, they are lighter in weight. You may think this makes them easier to clean, which is true – but it also makes it easier for them to cause damage. You can easily dislodge dust particles whenever you walk along your carpet. These allergens then rejoin the air in your home. This lowers the overall air quality of your house and can negatively affect your health. Internal Fraying When you step on your carpet, the fibers rub against one another. This isn’t usually harmful, as the fibers are typically soft enough not to cause extreme damage. However, when your carpet is dirty, the fibers create an abrasive surface. When they rub against each other again, their integrity starts to wear down. Over time, a dirty carpet will begin to fray and unravel from the inside out. It starts at the point of abrasive contact, usually a few layers deep where cleaning can’t reach, and works its way up. By the time the physical damage is noticeable on the surface, it’s often too late to save your carpets. Your carpets bring style and comfort to your home. It’s only right that you ensure they are clean and healthy for the long run. Hiring a Roswell carpet cleaner can help you keep your carpets in perfect condition. Pro Steamer Cleaning and Restoration has been servicing homes in the Roswell, NM area since 1992. Our trained and certified technicians are standing by 24/7 to help with any emergency home situation. If you want to keep your carpets clean and healthy, give us a call at (575) 623-0993.